Strategy & Institutional Development

  • Strategic Planning
    The process involves envisioned plan for an institution’s growth and development providing particular services and products with strategically organised and managed financial resources, human resources and other resources that ensure attainment of the stated goals and objectives in the most effective and efficient manner.  This encompasses development of business plan, tasks plans and performance parameters.Target clients:  All Development Organisations, NGOs and Business Enterprise, Government, Managers and Directors etc.
  •  Planning, Implementation and Monitoring
    Strategic planning, distribution, allocation and efficient enhancement of resources as well as implementation procedures with integrated continuos assessment and results analysis as well as strategic evaluations based on determined criteria are the approach as that are utilized with clearly defined tools.Target clients: Development Organisations, NGOs, Business Enterprises, Government, Programmes etc.
  • Fundraising support
    Advisory on matching clients needs with potential development partners, using our wide experience on various development partners and areas of their activities and resource investments.  Development of proposals, business plans and strategic plans, that are in line with the supply side of resources mobilisation as well as the demand side of the service delivery.We endeavour to ensure that the proposals developed are driven by the clients specific needs and target as far as possible and the development partners in areas of interest and support.  The proposal and contents are therefore focused and packaged to be attractive and meet the expectations of both stakeholders.  Part of the proposal development includes research and market study to identify key strategic factors, products and services which are potentially available from both supply and demand side of the institutional operations.
    Target clients: NGOs Development organisations, Programmes, Project, SMEs and SACCOs.
2013 East Africa Philanthropy & Business Conference

2013 East Africa Philanthropy & Business Conference

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