Financial Management

  •  Financial Management 

    Development of Financial Management tools, Business Plans and Cashflow Projections, Investment Advisory, Value for money Assessments, Financial Statements Structuring and Capacity Building for Financial Planning, Implementation and Reviews.  Training courses on Financial Management for Non-Financial Managers, Not for Profit Financial Management, Fund Management and Project Management.  Target clients: Non-Financial Managers, Project Managers, Programme Managers and Chief Executive Officers, Accounts, Financial Controllers.

  •  Management Consultancy

    Strategic Management, Business and Strategic Plans, Performance Management and Analysis.Financial Management, Resources Management, Efficiency and Effective Measurement and Evaluation of planned activities as well as evaluation of adequacy and appropriateness of the capacity needs.  We also advice on policy issues, management structures as well as reporting methods and reports.Institutional Development, Organisational  Structuring and Restructuring, Positioning and Benchmarking,  Organizational and Processes Evaluations in relation to policy development and implementation procedures are part of the services provided where required. Target clients: Growth oriented Institutions, Development Organisations, NGOs, MFIs etc.
Financial Services Conference

Financial Services Conference 2013

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