Management, Advisory & Capacity Development

  • Institutional Due Diligence and Risk Analysis
    This includes Business Valuation, Investment Appraisal, Profitability Analysis, Assets Productivity Business Efficiency, Effectiveness and Economy (B3es) to determine the financial value as well as business potential value within a certain timeframe.  Approach includes financial analysis, performance analysis, simulations, sensitivity analysis and projected financial modelling.  The main focus of the assignments we have undertaken has been to determine institutional financial value, opportunity value and growth potential and future value.  This also includes the determination of the business risk exposure with a focus on the institutional core business, competitive advantage and risk on external factors. Target Clients: Commercial Businesses, Financial institutions, Cooperatives, Micro-finance Institutions etc.
  • Human Resources
    Human Resources Development Strategy and Performance based HR Directing and Mapping. Evaluation of Personnel Requirements, Recruitment Procedures, Training Needs, Performance Appraisals and Statutory as well as other regulatory matters are but some of the human resources management issues we provide quality services on.  Target clients:  Directors, Managers, Supervisors and HR staff.
  • Investigation
    Financial, Materials, Procurements, Assets, Personnel, Business Investment Opportunities, Resources use as well as Frauds.  The investigation approach is determined by the specific aspects that the client is concerned about as articulated by the terms of reference and guided by ourselves where considered technically necessary and strategically desirable.  Target clients:  All nature and type of Organisations, Businesses, Government Programmes etc.
  • Institutional Evaluation and Assessment
    Critical review of institutional performance, growth, mission, goals and objectives with respective defined criteria and carrying comparative analysis review to determine the institutional strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT) as a basis of a diagnostic review that provides the understanding of the particular institutional positioning and future strategy.  Target clients: Mainly Development Organisations, NGOs, MFIs, SACCOs etc.
  • Impact Assessment
    Quantitative and qualitative assessment, comparison of actual against intended and planned results and/or predetermined parameters.  Efficiency and effective measurement of outputs are taken into account with respect to defined objectives, implementation structure, logistical framework and expected results.Target clients: Development Organisations, NGOs, Programmes and Projects, MFIs etc.

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